Monday, September 13, 2010

Bits and Pieces - Constructing a Collage Mixed Media with Beeswax 10" x 6.5"

Bits and Pieces – Constructing a Collage

Over the years I’ve accumulated a collection of old ticket stubs, boxes of maps, beads and shells among many other trinkets. I am drawn to things worn and the mystery of a previous life. I so appreciate smokey patinas and aged surfaces.

Here is one of four collages recently created in the studio. Using torn papers, tattered letters and architectural images, I create a relationship among the various elements. Incorporating fragments rather than whole pieces of found materials provide a sense of intent and accident. Adding a postage stamp places the work in a specific place and time in the world while functioning as an element to balance the picture. Each collage is on wood and finished with a translucent layer of melted beeswax to give it a vintage feel.

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